Am I the only one who gets annoyed when people leave cabinets open?

My roommate is a chronic cabinet-leaver-opener (not to mention light-leaver-onner, but that's a different story altogether). He leaves the vanity in the bathroom open (amongst other cabinets, doors, etc.) all the time. I used to just close it every day, but have recently decided to stop closing the vanity to see just how long he leaves it open. Over the past weeks I have seen periods of 6 days, 8 days, 5 days and 9 days between vanity closings. After reading this, I realize I'm coming across as a complaining, little bitch of a roommate, but I guess I am just wondering if anyone else finds occurences such as this unusual and/or annoying?
The only solution is to kill your room mate and hide him in the cabinets.

I've considered it, but I'm too afraid that his ghost will come back and leave the cabinets that I hid him in open, making it very difficult for me to hide him from the authorities.
I've considered it, but I'm too afraid that his ghost will come back and leave the cabinets that I hid him in open, making it very difficult for me to hide him from the authorities.

I meant to add that you should move after killing him.

The ghost won't follow. Nor will the law.
Don't complain, mine kept pooping in front of my bedroom door claiming that it was not his fault since he was a sleepwalker.
I had a roommate who would never do the dishes. So I kept a couple plates, bowls and stuff for myself, put it in my room, and threw all the dirty dishes in the garbage. He didn't work, didn't clean, just smoked weed every day. I moved out shortly after and kept the few dishes I had.
Don't complain, mine kept pooping in front of my bedroom door claiming that it was not his fault since he was a sleepwalker.

If that is the alternative, I guess I can live with a few open cabinets...
When you next see one of the doors open tell him there's something you want to show him inside, as he bends over and looks in repeatedly slam the cabinet door into the back of his head just stopping short of killing him but doing enough damage for him to forget it was you that done it. He will then have a phobia of leaving doors open for the rest of his life if you have done this correctly.
When you next see one of the doors open tell him there's something you want to show him inside, as he bends over and looks in repeatedly slam the cabinet door into the back of his head just stopping short of killing him but doing enough damage for him to forget it was you that done it. He will then have a phobia of leaving doors open for the rest of his life if you have done this correctly.

Kind of like a Pavlov's dog thing, yeah? Mental conditioning to elicit a desired response? I like you're way of thinking... noted.
Or, you could just kick him in the nuts once for every door left open. I guarantee that will result in one of three things:

1. you go to jail
2. he beats you to a bloody pulp
3. problem solved (most likely because he moves out)

So you've got a 1 in 3 chance of solving the problem. Why not try it?
Or, you could just kick him in the nuts once for every door left open. I guarantee that will result in one of three things:

1. you go to jail
2. he beats you to a bloody pulp
3. problem solved (most likely because he moves out)

So you've got a 1 in 3 chance of solving the problem. Why not try it?

Those are good odds.
As dangerous as it can be I dare say that is a chick peeve IMO. Plump..dumb a babe by chance?
As dangerous as it can be I dare say that is a chick peeve IMO. Plump..dumb a babe by chance?

So what you're really saying here is that you're also a cabinet-leaver-opener?

I can respect you defending your own kind by marginalizing this.
When he leaves a cabinet door open....take everything out of the cabinet that is his and throw it on his bed.

Have you told him that this irritates you?
Leaving cabinets open isn't just annoying it's potentially dangerous.

Maybe if all else fails you can have him walk some place in the dark and open a cabinet right before he gets to it. That way he can trip over it or bang his head against it like a fool, and then you can have a bunch of friends pop out of hiding and laugh at him while he's lying on the floor in pain. Afterwards you can tell him that he had better learn his lesson and will get his assed kicked if he does it again.