FAKKU manga/doujin


Feb 23, 2019
ksk is down today, apparently for real this time. The site admin confirmed it here :

The site will not come back up. No info as to what the admin is planning to do next.

This torrent has fakku releases up to 9808 :

According to ksk admin, most of what was on ksk is on sukebei nyaa, except for the last 418 chapters, and the doujins released during that time. That's still quite a lot of missing content, and it's also much harder to navigate and find what's missing.

If anyone has been downloading new releases from ksk regularily, it would be great if you could upload it here.
Update :

Archived thread :
New thread :

A more recent ksk torrent that has most of the stuff up to 3rd october 2023 : (missing illustrations but has irodori stuff, which 9808 had none)
^ Downlaod this instead of 9808, it has everything 9808 has. If you already downloaded 9808, you can start the new torrent, pause it, merge folders, then force recheck. This will put you at 60% of the new torrent.

Also, temporary site made by 4chan anon to browse (but not read) ksk content : (seems to be struggling for now)
Last edited:


Nov 21, 2022
This is not intended to be an asshole type comment but that dude who does the pack torrents while great is nowhere to the point ksk was at when it folded. The latest pack is only 2021 release stuff. This is 2023. If you follow that dude's release timeline it'll be 2025 by the time he gets to 2023's stuff. Ksk, you waited maybe 3 days post release, there it was. What's worse is the only single release torrents you see is mostly of the book kind and not single one shot releases. Again I'm not trying to be an asshole about it. I think it's great the pack torrents are made. I just wish whoever did the quick ksk updates would spur other so called "pirates" to move quick as well. The irony; apparently it was a simple thing to rip the stuff from fakku. Ksk owner posted a how to guide on it. The nitty gritty bits are easy to get. If I knew my way around a command line I'd pony up the 15 and do the shit myself. Book releases are DRMed by amazon. Well nothing's preventing them from getting put out quick after the release day. Surely fakku's DRM is not better than amazon's. Movies/shows, give it two days tops and you can get them from site of choice. Manga should be the same way. A quick and dirty method to rip; old school print screen key and paste command followed by photoshop to crop resulting image properly. The rub; your limited by your display's max supported height resolution. (1080). Far as I know fakku can't stop that. It would defeat the point of you viewing the image in the first place. I guess if you wanted more height you could maybe flip your display's rotation setting in windows to landscape. Thus the "height" would be your width normally while the "width" would be your height. This may fuck with your eyes though.


Oct 11, 2020
This is not intended to be an asshole type comment but that dude who does the pack torrents while great is nowhere to the point ksk was at when it folded. The latest pack is only 2021 release stuff. This is 2023. If you follow that dude's release timeline it'll be 2025 by the time he gets to 2023's stuff. Ksk, you waited maybe 3 days post release, there it was. What's worse is the only single release torrents you see is mostly of the book kind and not single one shot releases. Again I'm not trying to be an asshole about it. I think it's great the pack torrents are made. I just wish whoever did the quick ksk updates would spur other so called "pirates" to move quick as well. The irony; apparently it was a simple thing to rip the stuff from fakku. Ksk owner posted a how to guide on it. The nitty gritty bits are easy to get. If I knew my way around a command line I'd pony up the 15 and do the shit myself. Book releases are DRMed by amazon. Well nothing's preventing them from getting put out quick after the release day. Surely fakku's DRM is not better than amazon's. Movies/shows, give it two days tops and you can get them from site of choice. Manga should be the same way. A quick and dirty method to rip; old school print screen key and paste command followed by photoshop to crop resulting image properly. The rub; your limited by your display's max supported height resolution. (1080). Far as I know fakku can't stop that. It would defeat the point of you viewing the image in the first place. I guess if you wanted more height you could maybe flip your display's rotation setting in windows to landscape. Thus the "height" would be your width normally while the "width" would be your height. This may fuck with your eyes though.
Not sure, if it is true, but there is conspiracy that rbot (the guy who creates the FAKKU packs) is bribed by Jacob the CEO of FAKKU to purposely delay the releases. If the Internet can be trust Jacob is a delicious person who did some horrible stuff for profit. He goes his way to say that all he does is in favor of the creators which I can see it being true, however his questionable morality cannot be neglected.


Nov 21, 2022
I'm not hating on Fakku either. Glad that there is a single place where uncensored translated quality stuff is put out. Regularly.
While the business end of it may be questionable the end result is really what most people care about; translated works. Before fakku things were a disorganized mess. Censorship galore, quality a mixed thing, translation quality a mixed thing, etc. Some work would come out in japan. You'd have to do a coin flip to see if it'd be translated or not.


Nov 21, 2022
Well a glimmer of hope. If you visit ksk site you see this:"10/19/2023 - We're currently in the process of migrating data to another server. The site should be back up with a new domain name within 24 to 72 hours. A big thanks to the anon who offered to host the site on their dedicated server for free." So we'll see.


Jul 11, 2021
Hmm.. I would like to preview them before deciding whether I will download them or not.


New Member
Jul 16, 2023
A more recent ksk torrent that has most of the stuff up to 3rd october 2023 : (missing illustrations but has irodori stuff, which 9808 had none)
^ Downlaod this instead of 9808, it has everything 9808 has. If you already downloaded 9808, you can start the new torrent, pause it, merge folders, then force recheck. This will put you at 60% of the new torrent.
Link is dead, is there anywhere to download full site rip, also for nhentai if someone knows. thanks